

The Purpose of this Blog

In 2012, the head of the Utah Grazing Improvement Program (UGIP) asked me to critique a letter written by the director of Wild Utah Project, a Utah environmental group. The letter was handed out to the members at the Utah BLM RAC Board Meeting regarding their sage-grouse management plan. My job was to evaluate the […]Read More »

About Me: Beth Burritt

I grew up in Atascadero, California, a rural community near the coast.  I raised market lambs in 4-H to earn money to buy a horse. At age 11,  I was finally able to buy my first horse. I am not from a farming or ranching family. I have a BS from Cal Poly, San Luis […]Read More »


Email: beth.burritt@usu.edu.
Office Phone: 435-797-3576
Websites: Livestock Behavior http://extension.usu.edu/behave/
Utah Rangelands: https://extension.usu.edu/rangelands/